I am a Moroccan/British professional photographer with over 20 years experience in the craft and art of photography. My love and passion for the camera started when I first discovered my Dad’s Kodak instamatic as a child, it went on to become an interesting and wonderful career..

In 1991 I joined Richmond Upon Thames College in England for a course in photography and design. After graduation in 1994, I worked as a full time assistant-photographer at the WORX, the biggest studio complex in London, and in 1995 I went on as a freelancer exploring and enjoying different fields of photography with many high end and well established photographers in UK, Europe and USA…
In 2003 I returned to Morocco and founded FOTOKAM, my professional photography production company in Marrakech..
Working in my native country has been the most intriguing and fulfilling experience as a professional photographer. Indeed, Morocco has given me the opportunity to take on many and varied projects with local and foreign clients in all facades of photography from Fashion to Cinema, Advertising, Architecture, Industrial, Events, Aerial, Food, Sport, Weddings…

I am the first photographer in Morocco to use FUJIFILM XPRO1 camera when it was launched in 2012. In 2013 FUJIFILM JAPAN trusted me to test their prototype camera, the Fuji XT1 and the FUJINON XF23mm F1.4 lens, around the beautiful Moroccan landscapes and sceneries, two of my shots were selected and used in their commercial product brochure at the official launch of the camera. FUJIFILM TOKYO made me then their first X-Photographer to represent Morocco on their worldwide website and I was their technical adviser and workshop presenter to promote the X-SERIES camera division in Casablanca.

In 2014 INSAP, the Moroccan National Institute of Archaeology and Sciences of Heritage trusted me to run a special photography module for their Master course in Preventive Archaeology. This one of a kind experience had so much success it has been running ever since..

In 2015 The National School of Architecture (ENA), trusted me to teach architectural photography to their master architect students in the capital Rabat..

I now share my time between shooting professionally, teaching photography, and running FotoXplore Morocco, a unique Photography Tour Adventure in the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert…


Yours, MK